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Mystery Marbon 2021

Please fill out your details below to take part.

Mabon/Autumn Equinox September 21st-22nd

Night and day are again of equal length and in perfect equilibrium - dark and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer, in balance. But we are again on the cusp of transition and from now the year now begins to wane and from this moment darkness begins to defeat the light” 1

This Marbon gift exchange is for outdoor leaders during the Autumn of 2021.

How it works:

  • Sign up on this web form with your info.

  • On the first of September, we will email you with only the postal address of your Mystery Marbon recipient. Someone else will be sent only your postal address.

  • Prepare a package for your person with something to help them through the winter which has a financial value lower than £5. It might be some natural firelighters, or a few hot drink sachets, maybe just a gift of salt and fat to keep them running.

  • Post your package so that it will arrive around September 21st addressed to ‘Mystery Marbon’

  • Look forward to receiving your own parcel back in a few days.